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Chapter 01 - General Provisions
Chapter 03 - Administration
Chapter 05 - Public Works
Chapter 07 - Traffic Code
Chapter 09 - General Regulations
Chapter 11 - Business Regulations
Chapter 13 - General Offenses
Chapter 15 - Emergency Services and Responders
Chapter 17 - Economic Development Authority
Chapter 19 - Land Use and Development

Article V – County Owned Personal Property

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Appomattox County 3-10-1978 as part of Ch. 2, Art. I, of the 1978 Code; amended 7-12-1993 (§ 3-5 of the 1993 Code). Other amendments noted where applicable.]

§ 3.5-1 Use for private purposes.

Trucks, machinery and other items of personal property owned by the County shall not be loaned or leased to any person, provided that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, provide rules and regulations whereby the County Administrator may authorize specified items of County-owned personal property to be used for private purposes when such use would not interfere with or delay any County work or project, upon the payment of specified charges and subject to such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the County Administrator. If and when any such resolution is in effect, the provisions thereof and the provisions of this section shall be deemed to be incorporated in and made a part of any authorization made thereunder by the County Administrator, and all persons for whose benefit any County-owned personal property is used shall be bound thereby and shall likewise be bound by the stipulations of the County Administrator.

§ 3.5-2 Use by other agencies.

This chapter shall not be construed so as to limit the authority of the Board of Supervisors to authorize the use of County-owned personal property by municipalities, other political subdivisions or agencies of the commonwealth under mutually agreed upon terms and conditions.


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