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Chapter 01 - General Provisions
Chapter 03 - Administration
Chapter 05 - Public Works
Chapter 07 - Traffic Code
Chapter 09 - General Regulations
Chapter 11 - Business Regulations
Chapter 13 - General Offenses
Chapter 15 - Emergency Services and Responders
Chapter 17 - Economic Development Authority
Chapter 19 - Land Use and Development

Division 6 – Street and Sidewalk Requirements and Specifications

§ 19.5-49 Adoption of Virginia Department of Transportation standards.

All design standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) are hereby adopted by reference; such design standards shall govern streets dedicated to public use unless otherwise specified by this chapter.

§ 19.5-50 Classification of roads.

All roads shall be classified according to VDOT standards. In designing roads, the developer shall consider traffic projection demands after 20 years of development.

§ 19.5-51 Frontage on improved roads.

Except for agricultural subdivisions and family divisions, no new subdivision shall be approved unless the area to be subdivided has frontage on and access from an existing road or street in the VDOT system or on a new subdivision street to be constructed to current VDOT standards and included in the VDOT Secondary Road System, except as provided for in § 19.5-64 of this chapter.

§ 19.5-52 Grading plan.

Roads shall be graded and improved and conform to VDOT standards and specifications and shall be approved as to design and specifications by VDOT in accordance with the construction plans required to be submitted and approved prior to final plat approval.

§ 19.5-53 Street arrangement.

A. Roads shall be related appropriately to the topography. Local roads shall be curved wherever possible to promote a variety of lot appearances. All streets shall be arranged so as to obtain as many building sites as possible at, or above, the grades of the streets. Grades of streets shall conform as closely as possible to the original topography.

B. All streets shall be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of streets and dedicated rights-of-way as established in the Comprehensive Plan and the VDOT Six-Year Plan.

C. Minor or local roads shall be laid out to conform as much as possible to the topography, to discourage use by through traffic, to permit efficient drainage and utility systems, and to require the minimum number of streets necessary to provide convenient and safe access to property.

D. A rigid rectangular grid street pattern should not necessarily be adhered to. The use of curvilinear streets, culs-de-sac, or loop streets shall be encouraged where such use will result in a more desirable layout.

E. In commercial and industrial developments, streets and other means of access shall be planned in connection with the grouping of buildings, location of rail facilities, and the provision of alleys, loading areas, walkways and parking areas so as to minimize conflict of movement between the various types of traffic.

§ 19.5-54 Dedication of streets.

All new subdivision streets shall be dedicated for public use on the final plat unless otherwise specifically provided for in this chapter.

§ 19.5-55 Minimum right-of-way width.

The minimum width of proposed street right-of-way, measured from lot line to lot line, shall be in accordance with regulations established by VDOT. However, in no case shall a street right-of-way be less than 50 feet in width.

§ 19.5-56 Approach angle.

The angle of intersection between streets shall be as close as possible to a right angle and in no case less than 75°, unless approved by VDOT.

§ 19.5-57 Access to adjoining property.

Streets shall be dedicated, but not required to be improved, at strategic locations to provide for future access to adjoining properties which may be subdivided in the future. Each street connection shall intersect property lines at right angles unless otherwise approved by VDOT. Whenever a parcel of land located adjacent to an existing subdivision is to be subdivided, a street shall be located so as to connect with the platted street connection of the adjacent existing subdivision. The developer of the new subdivision shall be required to improve the connecting street, including the dedicated street connection of the existing subdivision.

§ 19.5-58 Grade of streets.

The grade of streets shall be in accordance with the specifications established by VDOT, and such grades shall be submitted on road plans to be approved by VDOT prior to final action by the Subdivision Agent.

§ 19.5-59 Culs-de-sac.

A. On a local terminal street (cul-de-sac), designed to have one end permanently closed, the final segment shall not be longer than 1,200 feet to the beginning of the turnaround. Each cul-de-sac must be terminated by a turnaround of not less than 120 feet in right-of-way diameter.

B. The arrangement of streets shall provide for the continuation of principal streets between adjacent properties when the continuation is necessary for convenient movement of traffic, effective fire protection, or efficient provision of utilities, and where the continuation is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If necessary, a temporary T- or L-shaped turnaround or cul-de-sac shall be provided on all temporary dead-end streets. The Subdivision Agent may limit the length of temporary dead-end streets in accordance with the design standards of these regulations.

C. When access to the adjoining property is not feasible or desired or a waiver has been granted, the terminus shall not be nearer to the boundary line of the development than 50 feet. However, the Subdivision Agent may require the reservation of an appropriate easement to accommodate drainage facilities, pedestrian traffic, or utilities.

D. Minimum frontage for any lot fronting on a cul-de-sac shall be no less than 25 feet. The lot should progressively get wider and shall meet the minimum lot width for the respective zoning district at the building setback line. [Amended 6-4-2007]

§ 19.5-60 Drainage easements.

A. Where existing topography or other conditions make it impractical for the inclusion of drainage facilities within road rights-of-way, perpetual, unobstructed easements, at least 20 feet in width, for drainage facilities shall be provided across property outside the road right-of-way limits. Easements shall be indicated on the plat. Drainage easements shall extend from the road to a natural watercourse or to another drainage facility.

B. Such drainage easements are to be maintained by the property owner to the extent necessary to remain functional. Neither the County nor VDOT shall be responsible for maintenance of any drainage easement outside of the normal limits of the road right-of-way. From time to time, VDOT may have to provide maintenance outside of the right-of-way if, in its judgment, the facility is not functioning properly.

C. When a proposed drainage system will carry water across private land outside the subdivision, appropriate drainage rights must be secured and indicated on the plat.

§ 19.5-61 Naming of streets.

All proposed new streets shall be named. Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment with other already existing and named streets shall bear the names of the existing streets. In no case shall the name of a proposed street duplicate or closely approximate existing street names in the County, nor shall it duplicate street names in adjoining jurisdictions if such name should conflict with the delivery of emergency services and/or the United States Postal Service. The use of any suffix, such as “street,” “avenue,” “boulevard,” “drive,” “way,” “place,” “lane” or “court,” to circumvent the intent of this section is prohibited. Street names shall be indicated on the preliminary plan and final plat and shall be approved by the E-911 Coordinator. Names of existing streets shall not be changed except in accordance with Chapter 15.3, Article I, Road Names, of the Appomattox County Code.

§ 19.5-62 Street name signs.

A street name sign shall be required as a result of the creation of a new subdivision street, new joint use driveway, or the creation of three or more dwellings being served by an existing joint use driveway. The developer shall be responsible for the cost of the sign. Installation will be provided in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the E-911 Coordinator. The developer shall make payment to the County prior to approval of the final plat. Street name signs shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 15.3, Article I, Road Names, of the Appomattox County Code.

§ 19.5-63 Streetlights.

Streetlights may be installed in any major subdivision upon approval of the Subdivision Agent. The Subdivision Agent shall review the design and specifications of proposed streetlights to ensure compliance with this chapter and Chapter 19.6, Zoning. Streetlights shall be required in all multifamily and townhouse developments.

§ 19.5-64 Allowance for private streets.

A. Any subdivision in existence through recordation in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court at the time of the adoption of this chapter that contains any private streets, alleys, or public roads not maintained by VDOT may continue to exist.

B. Multifamily or townhouse developments shall be allowed to front on a private street; however, the private street shall be designed and constructed to minimum VDOT subdivision street standards.

C. Any plat or site plan for multifamily or townhouse developments shall include the following note: “The streets in this subdivision (development) are not intended for inclusion in the system of state highways and will not be maintained by the Department of Transportation or the County and are not eligible for rural addition funds or any other funds appropriated by the General Assembly and allocated by the Commonwealth Transportation Board.”

§ 19.5-65 Requirements for alleys.

Alleys should be avoided wherever possible, but if alleys are needed, then the following criteria shall apply:

A. Alley right-of-way shall be not less than 20 feet in width and not greater than 28 feet in width.

B. Alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment shall be avoided, but where necessary, corners shall provide sufficient radius to permit safe vehicular movements.

C. Dead ends should be avoided, but where unavoidable, adequate turnaround facilities should be provided. These areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Subdivision Agent.

§ 19.5-66 Requirements for sidewalks.

Sidewalks shall be required in all multifamily and townhouse developments. Curb and gutter shall be required in these developments as well. The current VDOT standards for sidewalks and curb and gutter shall apply.

§ 19.5-67 Pedestrianways.

The Subdivision Agent may approve the location of a pedestrianway other than in a street right-of-way in a subdivision where such pedestrianway shall be maintained by a homeowners’ association. The pedestrianway shall be located in a permanent easement at least 10 feet in width, and all parts of such pedestrianway shall be visible from a street or other public area.

§ 19.5-68 Bonding requirements.

The Subdivision Agent shall require bonding of all private and/or public streets and all improvements to be dedicated to public use. The developer shall, prior to final approval of the plat, comply with any bonding requirement by furnishing the Subdivision Agent with a certified check, bond or irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of the estimated cost of construction.

A. Partial release of surety. After the completion of at least 30% of the required improvements, the developer may request, in writing, a partial release of the surety. After completion of at least a cumulative amount of 80% of the required improvements, the developer may request, in writing, another partial release of the surety. The partial release shall be granted within 30 days of the request.

B. Final release of surety. After the completion of all improvements required by this chapter and the street has been accepted into the state secondary road system, then the developer may request, in writing, the final release of the remaining surety. This release shall be granted within 30 days of the request. In the case of private streets, the developer may request final release upon satisfactorily demonstrating that a property owners’ association has been established for the perpetual maintenance of the street and 75% of the available lots to be served by the street have been sold. This release shall be granted within 30 days of the request.

C. Completion dates for bonded improvements. The developer/subdivider shall set a date, subject to the approval of the Subdivision Agent, for the completion of the improvements bonded herein. If the improvements are not completed by this completion date, and no new completion date has been approved by the Subdivision Agent, then the Subdivision Agent may proceed with the completion of the improvements by calling the bond due.

§ 19.5-69 Erosion and sediment control plan.

If any subdivision requires land-disturbing activity for which an erosion and sediment control plan is needed, the erosion and sediment control plan must be approved and a land-disturbing permit obtained prior to final approval of the plat. The commencement of a land-disturbing activity prior to obtaining a land-disturbing permit shall be prohibited in accordance with Chapter 19.3, Erosion and Sediment Control, of the Appomattox County Code.


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