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Article II – Loitering

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Appomattox County 3-10-1989 (Ch. 97 of the 1993 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]

§ 13.2-1 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to curtail loitering within the County of Appomattox, Virginia.

§ 13.2-2 Applicability.

[Amended 7-12-1993]

This chapter governs all persons and places within the County of Appomattox, Virginia, to include but not be limited to any public place, public building or public grounds, highway, street, park or other public place, and prohibits obstructing the access to any public building or public place or any part thereof.

§ 13.2-3 Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:


Includes but is not necessarily limited to one or more of the following acts:

A. Obstruction of the free, unhampered passage of pedestrians or vehicles.

B. Obstructing, molesting or interfering with any person lawfully upon any highway, street, park or other public place.

C. Remaining idle in essentially one location without being able to establish or having a legitimate business or purpose in remaining at such place or, by conduct, exhibiting the absence of a lawful purpose in so remaining at such place or to remain in a place as heretofore set forth in this chapter for no obvious reason.

D. Refusing to move on when so requested by an officer of the law, provided that the officer of the law has exercised his authority reasonably under the circumstances in order to preserve or promote public peace and order.

§ 13.2-4 Loitering prohibited; enforcement.

Loitering as defined in § 13.2-3 of this chapter is prohibited in, upon or around any public place in the County, whether on public or private property.

A. Private property. Enforcement will be at the request and discretion of businesses for private property as follows:

(1) Businesses wishing this chapter enforced when they are closed will post their parking lots with signs at each entrance/exit stating “NO LOITERING BETWEEN THE HOURS OF _____ AND _____.” Such sign shall be a minimum of 400 square inches and affixed so as to be readily seen by passersby.

(2) Businesses wishing this chapter enforced when they are open shall call the Appomattox County Sheriff for enforcement when a problem is perceived on their property. Business owners will be required to obtain proper warrants and make appropriate court appearances.

B. Public property. Public property will be enforced during all hours public functions are not being carried on. This will not apply to anyone who is participating in any legal function at the public facility or on the public property.

§ 13.2-5 Violations and penalties.

Any person who violates the preceding section, upon conviction thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each conviction.


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