Section 9 -IP Planned Industrial District.
Section 9
§ 19.6-74 IP Planned Industrial District.
A. Purpose. The Planned Industrial (IP) District is established primarily for light to medium industrial uses. Supporting accessory uses and facilities, such as office and commercial establishments, are also permitted. The IP District is intended to be designed with a park-like atmosphere that complements surrounding land uses by means of appropriate siting of buildings, controlled access points, attractive and harmonious architecture, and effective landscape buffering. The IP District is intended to provide flexibility in design and site layout, allow latitude in combining different use types within a single development, and provide the developer with incentives to create an aesthetically pleasing and functional planned development. Important in determining the location and size of an IP District is the accessibility of the location, the availability of public utilities, public safety services, and the suitability of the topography for industrial purposes.
B. Permitted uses:
Accessory uses/structures | |
Administrative services | |
Agricultural services | |
Amateur radio tower | |
Automobile parts/supply, retail | |
Business or trade school | |
Business support services | |
Communications services | |
Community recreation | |
Construction sales and services | |
Consumer repair services | |
Convenience store | |
Crisis center | |
Educational facility, college/university | |
Educational facility, primary/secondary | |
Financial institution | |
Garden center | |
General office | |
Industrial manufacturing | |
Laboratories | |
Landscaping and lawn care services | |
Medical office | |
Park-and-ride facility | |
Parking facility | |
Personal improvement services | |
Personal services | |
Post office | |
Public maintenance and service facility | |
Public parks and recreational areas | |
Railroad facilities | |
Safety services, public | |
Utility services | |
Warehouse and distribution |
C. Conditional uses: [Amended 3-29-2016]
Accessory apartment | |
Asphalt plant | |
Automobile dealership | |
Automobile rental/leasing | |
Automobile repair services | |
Aviation facility, private | |
Aviation facility, public | |
Brewery | |
Custom manufacturing | |
Distillery | |
Fish hatchery | |
Gasoline station | |
Landfill, sanitary | |
Meat packing plant | |
Outdoor gathering | |
Planned unit development | |
Public assembly | |
Recycling center | |
Resource extraction | |
Safety services, private | |
Scrap and salvage yard | |
Transfer station | |
Transportation terminal | |
Truck terminal | |
Winery | |
Wireless communications facility |
D. Uses specifically prohibited:
Abattoirs (slaughterhouses) | |
Contractor yards | |
Fuel storage yards | |
Lumberyards | |
Sawmills | |
Stonework |
E. Site development regulations.
(1) Minimum acreage required to create a new Planned Industrial District or to expand an existing Planned Industrial District shall be 15 acres of contiguous land.
(2) Minimum lot requirements:
(a) Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system:
[1] Area: 1.5 acres (65,340 square feet).
[2] Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street.
(b) Lots served by either public water or sewer, or both:
[1] Area: 25,000 square feet (0.57 acre).
[2] Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street.
(c) Minimum setback requirements:
[1] Front yard:
[a] Principal structure: 30 feet, or 20 feet when all parking is behind the front building line.
[b] Accessory structure: behind the front building line.
[2] Side yard:
[a] Principal structure: 10 feet.
[b] Accessory structure: three feet.
[3] Rear yard:
[a] Principal structure: 10 feet.
[b] Accessory structure: three feet.
[4] Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets.
(d) Maximum height of structures:
[1] All structures: 45 feet. Structures may exceed the height limitation provided a conditional use permit is approved in accordance with this chapter.
(e) Maximum coverage:
[1] Building coverage: 75% of total area.
[2] Lot coverage: 90% of total area.
(f) Special regulations:
[1] The following regulations shall apply in IP Districts:
[a] Required setback areas and other open areas not needed for operations shall be landscaped, and such landscaping shall be maintained at all times.
[b] The following buffer areas shall be required:
[i] A minimum of 75 feet from any adjoining agricultural, residential, village center or historic overlay district.
[ii] A minimum of 20 feet from any adjoining commercial or industrial district.
[c] No use shall be permitted which produces objectionable noise or smell, unshielded light, dust, or any other airborne nuisance which is perceptible beyond the property boundary line.
[d] All manufacturing, processing, testing, and similar operations shall be contained completely within buildings or structures.
[e] Refuse collections areas and bulk loading areas, including a loading and unloading berth, shall be screened from view from all public streets or common boundaries with residential districts. These facilities shall be screened using construction materials or earth berms or landscaping that provides year-round screening. This regulation shall not apply to parking or recreational facilities, except that such facilities shall be screened from any adjacent residential development.
(g) Utilities. Utilities shall be underground unless the type of service necessary for normal activity of the industry or business shall prohibit underground installation.
(h) In order to promote safe ingress and egress for the development, the minimum separation distance between entrances to the public right-of-way shall be 300 feet. Additional access between adjoining lots, such as frontage roads and shared parking lots, is strongly encouraged.
(i) Fire-prevention systems and hydrants. The placement of fire hydrants or other fire-prevention systems shall be reviewed by the local Fire Marshal to ensure compliance with the standards set forth by the National Fire Protection Association, or NFPA.
F. Site development recommendations.
(1) The IP District should be designed and developed as an industrial park with high standards for landscaping, buffering, and open space. To ensure a park-like atmosphere, the following recommendations are made:
(a) The principal entrance to the IP District should be sufficiently landscaped to comply with the purpose of this district.
(b) Parking should be located to the side or rear of the principal structures on the lot wherever feasible. During review, consideration will be given to topographical constraints, innovative site design, buffering and landscaping factors.
(c) Loading areas should be minimized and sufficiently screened as stated in the site development regulations.
(d) Fences should not be placed in front yards except where necessary for security purposes. Fencing should be uniform and well kept.
(e) Open space and recreational areas should be utilized in the design of the development. It is recommended that 15% of the total acreage be developed in this manner.