Section 4 -R-3 High-Density Multifamily Residential District.
Section 4
§ 19.6-70 R-3 High-Density Multifamily Residential District.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide areas in the County within the suburban service area where existing middle- to high-density residential development (typically four to 12 units per acre) has been established and land areas which generally appear to be appropriate for such development. The R-3 District is designated based on access to major streets, public water and/or sewer, and schools with suitable capacity to accommodate development at the stated density. A variety of housing densities and styles is encouraged in order to permit a diversity and flexibility in design and layout.
B. Permitted uses:
Accessory uses/structures | |
Amateur radio tower | |
Community recreation | |
Condominium | |
Domestic chickens | |
Family day-care home | |
Home occupation, Type I | |
Multifamily dwelling | |
Park-and-ride facility | |
Post office | |
Public maintenance and service facility | |
Public parks and recreational areas | |
Residential human care facility | |
Safety services, public | |
Single-family dwelling | |
Small Scale or Residential Solar Energy Farm | |
Townhouse | |
Two-family dwelling | |
Utility services |
C. Conditional uses:
Boardinghouse | |
Cemetery | |
Cultural services | |
Day-care center | |
Educational facilities, secondary/primary | |
Hospital | |
Outdoor gatherings | |
Planned unit development | |
Religious assembly | |
Safety services, private | |
Wind energy system | |
Wireless communications facility |
D. Site development regulations.
(1) Minimum lot requirements:
(a) Lots not served by public water or sewer:
[1] Area: 25,000 square feet (0.57 acre).
[2] Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street.
(b) Lots served by either public water or sewer:
[1] Area: 15,000 square feet (0.34 acre).
[2] Frontage: 80 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street.
(c) Lots served by both public water and public sewer:
[1] Area: 10,000 square feet (0.23 acre).
[2] Frontage: 80 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street.
(d) Minimum lot size and permitted densities for multifamily dwellings and townhomes are referenced in the Additional Regulations section.
(2) Minimum setback requirements:
(a) Principal structure:
[1] Front: 35 feet from property line or 60 feet from center line of public road, whichever is greater.
[2] Side: 15 feet.
[3] Rear: 35 feet.
(b) Accessory structure:
[1] Front: 35 feet from property line or behind the front building line, whichever distance is less.
[2] Side: 15 feet.
[3] Rear: 15 feet.
(c) Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets.
(3) Maximum height of structures:
(a) All structures: 35 feet.
(4) Maximum coverage:
(a) Building coverage: 50%.
(b) Lot coverage: 85%.