Section 3 – R-2 Medium-Density Residential District.
Section 3
§ 19.6-69 R-2 Medium-Density Residential District.
A. Purpose. This district is composed of medium-density residential areas plus certain open areas where similar development is expected to occur. The regulations for this district are designed to stabilize and protect the essential characteristics of the district, to promote and encourage, insofar as compatible with the intensity of the land uses, a suitable environment for family life, and to permit certain commercial uses of a character unlikely to develop general concentration of traffic, crowds of customers and general outdoor advertising. To these ends, retail activity is sharply limited and this district is protected against the encroachment of general commercial and industrial uses.
B. Permitted uses:
Accessory apartment | |
Accessory uses/structures | |
Administrative services | |
Amateur radio tower | |
Community recreation | |
Crisis center | |
Domestic chickens | |
Family day-care home | |
Home beauty/barber salon | |
Home occupation, Type I | |
Kennel, private | |
Manufactured home | |
Park-and-ride facility | |
Post office | |
Public maintenance and service facility | |
Public parks and recreational areas | |
Safety services, public | |
Single-family dwelling | |
Utility services |
C. Conditional uses:
Boardinghouse | |
Cemetery | |
Condominium | |
Cultural services | |
Day-care center | |
Educational facilities, primary/secondary | |
Golf course | |
Hospital | |
Manufactured home park | |
Outdoor gatherings | |
Planned unit development | |
Religious assembly | |
Safety services, private | |
Safety services, public | |
Second dwelling | |
Two-family dwelling | |
Wind energy system | |
Wireless communications facility |
D. Site development regulations.
(1) Minimum lot requirements:
(a) Lots not served by public water or sewer:
[1] Area: 25,000 square feet (0.57 acre).
[2] Frontage: 125 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street.
(b) Lots served by either public water or sewer:
[1] Area: 15,000 square feet (0.34 acre).
[2] Frontage: 80 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street.
(c) Lots served by both public water and public sewer:
[1] Area: 10,000 square feet (0.23 acre).
[2] Frontage: 80 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street.
(2) Minimum setback requirements:
(a) Principal structure:
[1] Front: 35 feet from property line or 60 feet from center line of public road, whichever is greater.
[2] Side: 15 feet.
[3] Rear: 35 feet.
(b) Accessory structure:
[1] Front: 35 feet from property line or behind the front building line, whichever distance is less.
[2] Side: 15 feet.
[3] Rear: 15 feet.
(c) Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets.
(3) Maximum height of structures:
(a) All structures: 35 feet.
(4) Maximum coverage:
(a) Building coverage: 35%.
(b) Lot coverage: 50%.