Section 10 – H-1 Historic Overlay District.
Section 10
§ 19.6-75 H-1 Historic Overlay District.
A. Purpose. The purpose of this district is to recognize, preserve, and encourage the continued appropriate development of historic resources in designated areas by establishing standards for development and allowable uses that will ensure such development. While much of the area in these districts may remain virtually unchanged, other sections may need to change to serve the best interest of the area and its environs and the surrounding property owners. Typical uses within this district include restoration and reconstruction of historic structures, related residential, educational, administrative, maintenance, public assembly, and festival activities, and limited supporting commercial activities.
B. Existing structures and land uses. The provisions of this section shall apply only to structures constructed and land uses established or modified after the effective enactment date of this chapter.
C. Permitted uses:
Museums, visitor centers and learning centers | |
Restoration and reconstruction of historic structures | |
Shops and facilities associated with the historic nature of the property | |
Accessory structures related to a permitted use | |
Administrative and maintenance facilities related to the historic property | |
Agriculture | |
Domestic chickens | |
Interpretive or other educational structures related to the historic property | |
Public activities, promotions, festivals, and celebrations | |
Single-family dwelling | |
Staff housing |
D. Conditional uses.
Cemeteries | |
Religious assembly |
E. Site development regulations.
(1) The site development regulations in the district shall be the same as those regulations in the A-1 Agricultural Zoning District.
(2) To provide for adequate screening from adjacent properties, any new structure development, restoration of existing structures, or access to facilities such as roads, parking facilities, or walking path, within 50 feet of any property line shall be screened with a natural vegetative buffer. The buffer shall contain a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubbery.
(3) Signage shall meet the requirements of the A-1 Agricultural Zoning District and should directly relate to the historic nature of the property.