Article I – Emergency Services
Article I – Emergency Services
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Appomattox County 7-19-1993 (Ch. 17 of the 1993 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
§ 15.1-1 Purpose.
It is the purpose of this chapter to implement within Appomattox County the provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law, § 44-146.13 et seq., Code of Virginia, by providing, insofar as the resources of the County permit, the organization, personnel, equipment and plans which are necessary to deal adequately with natural and man-made disasters which may occur within the County and its environs and, to the extent of the means available, to provide emergency disaster services to other communities and respond to calls made by the Governor or by the Department of Emergency Management of the commonwealth.
§ 15.1-2 Definitions.
Definitions shall be as provided in § 44-146.16 of the Code of Virginia.
§ 15.1-3 Mission of Board of Supervisors.
The mission of the Appomattox County Board of Supervisors, within the purview of this chapter and acting through its Director of Emergency Services, is to direct and support the emergency services of Appomattox County and to cooperate with other cities and counties and the State Department of Emergency Management in the event of man-made or natural disaster.
§ 15.1-4 Director of Emergency Services; Coordinator of Emergency Service Activities.
A. Unless and until provided otherwise by executive order of the Governor, the County Administrator shall be the Director of Emergency Services.
B. The Director of Emergency Services shall have authority to appoint a Coordinator of Emergency Service Activities, with the consent of the Appomattox County Board of Supervisors.
§ 15.1-5 Emergency Services Organization.
A. The Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization is hereby established, the commanding officer of which shall be the Director of Emergency Services.
B. Pursuant to policies established from time to time by the Appomattox County Board of Supervisors consistent with state law and plans and policies of the Department of Emergency Management, the Emergency Services Organization shall have such structural organization, personnel and equipment as shall be specified by the Director of Emergency Services, subject to the availability of funds, and the Director of Emergency Services shall utilize the services, equipment, supplies and facilities of existing departments, offices and agencies of Appomattox County to the maximum extent practicable. The officers and personnel of all such departments, offices and agencies are directed to cooperate with and extend such services and facilities to the Director of Emergency Services and, upon request, to the Governor and to the State Department of Emergency Management as well. The Director of Emergency Services is hereby authorized to include within the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization such corporate and individual volunteer members as may be desirable to enable the organization to accomplish its intended missions, as for example, medical personnel and organizations and public utility company personnel and equipment, to name but two of the more obvious classes.
C. The Director of Emergency Services shall prepare and may from time to time amend tables of organization and equipment for the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization, at least one copy of which shall be maintained on file in the office of the County Administrator, where it shall be available to the public for inspection and use during all regular business hours, and copies shall be made available to all persons deemed by the Director to have a need therefor.
D. The tables of organization and equipment shall establish a definite chain of command for each component of the organization.
E. The Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be necessary, consistent with state law and policies of the Board of Supervisors, to serve the purposes of this chapter and as may be specified for local emergency services organizations by the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law (§ 44-146.13 et seq., Code of Virginia).
§ 15.1-6 Oath of Emergency Services Organization members.
No person shall be a member, employee or agent of or be associated with the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization who advocated or has advocated a change by force or violence in the constitutional form of government of the United States or in this commonwealth or the overthrow of any government in the United States by force or violence or who has been convicted of or is under indictment or information charging any subversive act against the United States. Each person who is appointed to serve in such organization shall, before entering upon his duties, take an oath, in writing, before a person authorized to administer oaths in this commonwealth, which shall be substantially as follows:
“I, __________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. |
“And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any political party or organization that advocates, the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this commonwealth by force or violence and that I will not advocate or become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this commonwealth by force or violence.” |
§ 15.1-7 Powers and duties of Director of Emergency Services.
A. The Director of Emergency Services shall prepare and from time to time amend, so as to keep abreast of new concepts and techniques, plans for the accomplishment of the missions of the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization in the event of any natural or man-made disaster and for the effective deployment and employment of the personnel and equipment of the organization or which may be subject to its call. Such plans shall be consistent with policies of the Appomattox County Board of Supervisors and the policies and plans of the Governor and the State Department of Emergency Management and shall be distributed and publicized as may be desirable, in the opinion of the Director, to effectively serve their intended purposes, provided that not less than one copy of each such plan shall be maintained on file in the office of the County Administrator.
B. The Director of Emergency Services shall be responsible for the training of all personnel of the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization to the end that they may be in a state of readiness to effectively perform their duties and properly use the equipment available to them in the event of any natural or man-made emergency. It shall be the duty of all County government personnel affected thereby to attend such classes and field exercises as may be prescribed by the Director pursuant to policy guidance by the Appomattox County Board of Supervisors.
C. The Director of Emergency Services shall prepare the annual budget of the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization.
D. The Director of Emergency Services shall have such other power and perform such other duties as may be specified for the office of local director of emergency services in the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law (§ 44-146.13 et seq., Code of Virginia) or as may be prescribed by the Appomattox County Board of Supervisors.
§ 15.1-8 Powers and duties of Coordinator of Emergency Service Activities.
The Coordinator of Emergency Service Activities, under the direct supervision of the Director of Emergency Services, shall be the executive officer of the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization and, in the absence or disability of the Director, shall assume command of the organization. He shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be specified for the office of local coordinator of emergency service activities by the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law (§ 44-146.13 et seq., Code of Virginia) or by the Director of Emergency Services, consistent with state law and the plans and policies of the Governor and the State Department of Emergency Management.
§ 15.1-9 Orders, rules and regulations of Governor.
It shall be the duty of the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization and the officers thereof to execute and enforce such orders, rules and regulations as may be made by the Governor under authority of the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law (§ 44-146.13 et seq., Code of Virginia), and the organization shall have available for inspection at its office or at the office of the County Administrator all such orders, rules and regulations.
§ 15.1-10 Declaration of local emergency.
A local emergency may be declared by the Director of Emergency Services according to the requirements of § 44-146.21, Code of Virginia.
§ 15.1-11 Construal of provisions.
Nothing in this chapter is to be construed to:
A. Limit, modify or abridge the authority of the Governor to exercise any powers vested in him under the laws of this commonwealth in conjunction with any provisions of this chapter.
B. Interfere with dissemination of news or comment on public affairs, but any communications facility or organization, including but not limited to radio and television stations, wire services and newspaper, may be required to transmit or print public service messages furnishing information or instructions in connection with actual or pending disaster.
C. Affect the jurisdiction or responsibilities of police forces or units of the Armed Forces of the United States or of this commonwealth and any personnel thereof, when on active duty, but the Appomattox County Emergency Services Organization shall place reliance upon such forces in the event of declared disasters.
D. Interfere with the course of conduct of a labor dispute, except that actions otherwise authorized by this chapter or other laws may be taken when necessary to forestall or mitigate imminent or existing danger to public health or safety.