Article IV – Solid Waste Collection
Article IV – Solid Waste Collection
[Adopted 3-10-1978 as Ch. 10 of the 1978 Code, as amended through 5-21-2012 (Ch. 139, Art. I, of the 1993 Code)]
§ 5.2-1 Definitions.
For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
The storage, collection, disposal or handling of solid waste.
All animal, vegetable and mineral wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of food and beverage and including, but not limited to, cans, bottles, food containers, paper containers and cardboard containers.
All solid waste resulting from manufacturing and industrial processes such as, but not limited to, those carried on in factories, processing plants, refineries, slaughterhouses and steel mills.
Those persons residing in the County.
All other solid wastes not included in the term “garbage,” and includes but is not limited to large metal objects, wood and brush and building demolition or other nonputrescible solid wastes.
All refuse, except body wastes, and shall include garbage and rubbish.
A facility that deals with solid waste by minimizing, separating, recycling and transferring.
§ 5.2-2 Preparation of garbage for collection.
All garbage shall be drained free of liquids before being placed in the storage containers.
§ 5.2-3 Use of waste management and recycle facility containers.
A. Containers shall be provided by the Board of Supervisors for the disposal of garbage and recycling for the express use of County residents.
B. Contract residential haulers must transport their solid waste directly to a permitted landfill. Commercial establishments may only dispose of solid waste into said containers according to the following rules:
(1) Not more than one disposal per week, the volume of which shall not exceed the area of the bed of a standard (eight-foot) pickup truck.
(2) Unlimited disposal of recyclable materials, but the volume of disposal at each visit shall not exceed the area of the bed of a standard (eight-foot) pickup truck.
(3) The individual disposing of said solid waste must sign a register at each visit.
(4) Recyclable materials must be separated from other solid waste.
(5) Only the convenience center located nearest the site of the commercial establishment may be utilized for said solid waste disposal.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to place dead animals, manure, rubbish, stumps, brush, tires, or explosives in any solid waste container located in the County of Appomattox.
D. It shall be unlawful for any person to litter in or around or place anything outside any solid waste container located in Appomattox County.
E. It shall be unlawful to salvage in or around any container site or dumpster.
§ 5.2-4 Collection practices.
A. Place of collection. Containers shall, for the purpose of collection, be placed at ground level and be made readily accessible to the collector.
B. Frequency of collection. Containers shall be collected on an as-needed basis by the County.
C. Collection vehicles. It shall be unlawful to collect, haul, transport or convey garbage except in enclosed vehicles or containers.
D. Rights to use of Appomattox County Waste Management and Recycle Facility. The residents of the Town of Appomattox and the Town of Pamplin City will have the same right to use of the Appomattox County Waste Management and Recycle Facility as any other County resident.
E. Tire collection program.
(1) Tires will be accepted for disposal only at the Appomattox County Waste Management and Recycle Facility.
(2) Only passenger or light pickup tires will be accepted.
(3) Any individual disposing of tires must be a resident of Appomattox County and may only dispose of a maximum of eight tires within any fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) period.
§ 5.2-5 Unlawful disposal, operation and transportation activities; place of licensing.
A. It shall be unlawful to dump, store, burn, bury, destroy or otherwise dispose of garbage within the limits of the County except at the County-approved solid waste disposal site or sites or at those sites and containers so approved by the County and permitted by the Virginia Department of Health.
B. It shall be unlawful to establish, maintain or operate an unregulated, unlicensed dump or landfill within Appomattox County, Virginia.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to transport any garbage, trash or refuse from outside the territorial boundaries of Appomattox County for disposal at a site within the territorial boundaries of Appomattox County without having a proper permit or license issued by Appomattox County as prescribed below (Subsection D). Any compacted and/or baled material must be able to be readily examined and inspected by manual means of County officials for the purposes of determining if such garbage, trash and/or refuse contains hazardous substances.
D. The place of licensing will be the Office of Building Inspections, and fees for licenses will be $1,000 per licensed and approved acre with a minimum license fee of $5,000. The subject license is renewable annually on the anniversary date of original licensing date.
§ 5.2-6 Violations and penalties.
Violation of this article shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. Each day that a person violates this article shall constitute a separate offense, and such violation shall additionally be subject to injunctive relief in a state court of competent jurisdiction.
§ 5.2-7 Use of County Waste Management and Recycle Facility.
A. All tires brought to the Appomattox County Waste Management and Recycle Facility will be billed according to current tire charges.
B. Only waste generated in Appomattox County will be accepted at the Appomattox County Waste Management and Recycle Facility.
C. County residents shall be allowed to deposit an unlimited amount of solid waste and recycle materials generated at their own residence at the Appomattox County Waste Management and Recycle Facility.
(1) Large loads (dumps or loads which cannot be unloaded by hand) will not be accepted.
(2) Animals are not accepted.
(3) Stumps are not accepted.
D. Fee collection details will be as prescribed by the landfill administration office.
E. The Town of Pamplin City’s commercial carrier is exempt from the requirements of this article, provided that this carrier only picks up solid waste within the corporate limits of Pamplin City.
§ 5.2-8 Nonresidential solid waste report.
* [Amended 8-16-2010]
A. All County nonresidential solid waste generators and companies that manage solid waste or recycle materials generated within the County shall file a completed data report on a form obtained from the office of the waste management facility pursuant to § 15.2-939 of the Code of Virginia (Ordinances requiring recycling reports).
B. The report shall contain such nonproprietary information regarding waste generation, waste management and recycling necessary to facilitate compliance with the regulations of the Virginia Waste Management Board. The report shall be based on volume or weight, provided that where such measurement cannot be accurately determined, the report may be based on carefully estimated data.
C. The report for the preceding calendar year shall be filed annually at the office of the waste management facility at 146 Recycle Lane, Appomattox, Virginia, on or before January 31. The report shall be signed by an owner, officer or partner of the entity required to make such filing.